Mustello Criticizes Shapiro’s Budget Proposal, Citing Excessive Spending

February 5, 2025

HARRISBURG – Rep. Marci Mustello (R-Butler) issued the following statement in response to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s proposed $51.47 billion budget for the 2025-26 fiscal year, which represents a 7.5% increase in spending over the current fiscal year:

“During his budget address, the governor spoke of promoting efficiencies in state government, cutting waste and streamlining processes, such as permitting, to promote economic development. These are concepts I can support because, in theory, they are good for the businesses and citizens of my district and across Pennsylvania. However, the overall economic benefit of these strategies is lost if you absorb all the savings into massive amounts of new spending, which the proposed budget does.

“My House Republican colleagues and I worked diligently to build a surplus that protected taxpayers in times of economic downturn and to ultimately assure state government is sustainable. This proposed budget not only intends to eradicate our surplus, but it would also draw down $1.6 billion from the Rainy Day Fund. This is not sustainable.

“Additionally, I will not support new and increased taxes on energy because such measures are counterproductive to economic growth, job creation and toward minimizing the overall cost of living burden on everyday citizens.

“Fortunately, the governor’s budget proposal is just the starting point. As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I look forward to the debate and the discussions. The proposed budget will undergo a thorough review during three weeks of public hearings, beginning on Tuesday, Feb. 18.”

Representative Marci Mustello
11th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Rick Leiner
717.260.6437 (office), 717.497.8478 (cell) /

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